Python Data Analysis

This tutorial will teach you the basics of Python and how to use it for data science. You’ll learn how to work with data sources, data cleaning techniques, how to perform statistical analyses, data visualization, and predictive analysis.

By the end of this course, you'll be able to:

  • Basic and intermediate programming concepts
  • How to clean and visualize data
  • Probability and statistics for data analysis

Learn Python for Data Analysis

Python for Data Analysis: Fundamentals

Learn the basics of Python programming and data analysis.

Pandas & NumPy Fundamentals

Learn how to analyze data using the pandas and NumPy libraries.

Exploratory Data Visualization

Learn how to explore data by creating and interpreting data graphics. This course is taught using matplotlib and pandas.

Data Cleaning and Analysis

Learn how to clean and combine datasets, then practice your skills.

APIs & Web Scraping

Learn how to acquire data from APIs and the web.

Project: Build your own Amazon scraper

Learn to combine the skills you learned to build a scraper which would extract reviews from Amazon.

Statistics: Fundamentals

Learn about sampling, variables and distributions.

Statistics Intermediate: Averages & Variability

Learn to summarize distributions, measure variability using variance or standard deviation, and compare values using z-scores.

Sentiment Analysis: Introduction

Learn to do sentiment analysis using the library vader sentiment.

Project: Download reviews from Amazon and do a sentiment analysis

Learn to combine the skills you learned to do a sentiment analysis on the reviews obtained from Amazon